


The Comprehensive Teaching Building

The Comprehensive Teaching Building, which has three floors above ground and one underground, is designed as a traditional Southern Min-style building. The shared central office is next to the lobby on the 1st floor, where all administration units and staff members are integrated in an open office space. Students can get their problems solved immediately at the same front desk without searching for different offices for different services. The reading room, computer labs and e-classrooms are also on the 1st floor.



Each classroom is equipped with e-equipment, including information podium, computer, digital projector, screen and LCD TV. The classrooms on Kinmen location are all equipped with borderless media capacity. Faculty members and students can connect with the world in each classroom without any learning barriers, which is just as convenient as for students in Taiwan.


Radio and TV Production Center

The Radio and TV Production Center houses an editing room and a taping studio. As the Kinmen base of MCU IPTV, the Center was designed for students to produce broadcast and TV productions. Original content produced by students can be aired over Kinmen County Cable TV, MCU IPTV and the Web.


Computer Lab

The Computer Lab provides the latest model computers for student use. It is not only a language and computer classroom, but is also open for students to search for information online and write reports during non-class hours.


Reading Room

The resources in the Reading Room include more than 4,800 books, 100 professional periodicals, online periodicals and e-books. All faculty members and students can access online periodical and book databases and borrow books online from the libraries on both Taipei and Taoyuan campuses.

Library Opening Hours:
Weekdays: 12:00-13:00, 19:00-21:00
Saturday: 09:00-14:00, 16:00-21:00
Sunday: 09:00-15:00

Reading Room Notices:

  1. Students can borrow books with student ID card.
  2. Alumni may apply for temporary library card with the alumni card. (1,000 NTD deposit is required and will be returned without interest upon returning the library card).

Ordinary citizens may apply for temporary library card with their ID card. (3,000 NTD deposit is required and will be returned without interest upon returning the library card).


Student Activity Center

With a high-ceilinged hall, the Student Activity Center is located on the 1st floor of the Comprehensive Teaching Building. It serves not only for students to hold activities and gatherings, but also for multi-functional conferences, lectures, and other programs.


Professional Baking Classroom and Test Kitchen

The baking classroom and test kitchen are designed for student learning and practice, as well as certificate examinations. This facility meets the needs for high quality teaching and completing professional licensure tests.

Cooking Station: The Cooking Station is designed for students to receive practical and hands-on training after cooking demonstrations. The station is equipped with marble kitchen counters, mixers, sinks and cooking appliances. The cooking station also meets test kitchen standards.

Baking Area: The baking area houses baking appliances and equipment, including fermentation containers, ovens, noodle making machines and baking racks. This area is designed to give students a comprehensive hands-on experience.

Food Preparation Area: This area is used for preparing, serving and storing food. Refrigerators and freezers are also provided.


Student Restaurant

The Student Restaurant not only accommodates 216 people for dining, it also provides students with a common room for social interaction and leisurely discussions.


Medical Center

The Medical Center is designed to provide health care resources to promote disease prevention and enhance the health and wellness of all those at Kinmen Location. By maintaining students’ mental and physical health and a safe campus environment, the Center indirectly improves public hygiene and life quality in the local community. The energy produced through Ming Chuan’s pursuit of excellence, professionalism and internationalization continues to shine brightly in Kinmen.


Counseling Room

Our professional counselors provide counseling services such as individual counseling and psychological testing, etc.